The Loaded Gamer

“Guitar Hero Live” review

Guitar Hero Live

Guitar Hero Live is a large leap forward for Activision, as the newest title of the Guitar Hero series brings a lot to the table that the previous games in the series were lacking.

Lets start by discussing the tool of destruction itself; the guitar.

The Controller’s new fret layout

It has been re-imagined and transformed, the button layout of the guitar is no longer colour coordinated, it is more user friendly with the first three frets of the guitar split in two, creating 6 buttons to create a more smooth and user friendly system.

The upgraded graphics is also worth a mention, replacing 3D modelled characters and setting to throwing you into the shoes of a live action band on stage with an interactive crowd that “boo’s” when your being just awful to cheering when you finally nail that impossible solo, feels almost surreal, making the feel of the game more engaging and enjoyable.

Starting backstage with the other band members preparing for the show to come to jumping on stage and interacting with both the other members of the band and also the crowd (insert stage dive) are truly steps in the right direction.

The game

Aside from the general story mode of jumping on stage and rocking live shows, Guitar Hero Live also has an interesting 24/7 live music channel called Guitar Hero Live TV which offers another 200 titles at this stage to choose from and allows for more entertainment for plenty more hours of fun-filled musical interaction.

The “GHTV” mode has a form of currency that is earned by literally playing the game, and with this in-game currency you can purchase “plays” which allow you to do as the name implies, play as many songs online as long as you have the “plays” to use.

The updates featured in this newest instalment are significant steps in the right direction and a whole lot of fun, so get out there and give it a go!