The Loaded Gamer

Titanfall 2 public beta test dates and details

As everybody is aware by this point, Respawn Entertainment will be running a beta program (or ‘technical test’ as EA are choosing to label it) for the sequel to 2014’s sci-fi shooter Titanfall.

Planned to run over two weekends, this beta will first be accessible from this Friday, August 19th, with two game modes and two maps available. The second weekend will run from August 26th – 28th.

Two new titan classes – Ion and Scorch – have been confirmed, along with two new weapons which will be available for use in the beta; the Mastiff (a horizontal-spread shotgun), and the Alternator (a dual-barrel SMG). Some of these exciting new additions can be seen in the multiplayer trailer:



The new game modes and maps are as follows:



Respawn have elected to make the beta console-exclusive, as they have not yet optimised the game for the almost indefinite amount of possible PC hardware configurations.

The full game releases on October 28th.