Invoker by Hell Frog Studios


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During RTX I came across a lot of gaming developers; each had amazing games and ideas but none seemed as addictive and engaging as Invoker.

Hellfrog Studios – based in Brisbane, Australia – wanted to create a game that combined the ideas of a traditional card game but also a real-time battle field.  With this idea Invoker began development. With simple rules and sensible controls this game was definitely one for my kind of playing.

I compared it to Hearthstone crossed with Magic the Gathering to achieve live action game-play.


The Main Arena

You play as a wizard of sorts and have a deck of cards, as would be the case in typical card games. You summon your beasts or spells with “mana”, and you have a set amount of health. You run around your side of the map collecting spells and mana, battling each other until someones health diminishes and is claimed loser of that round.  You are able to play against other people and bots as well.

You are in fact able to travel over to the opposing players side of the map and physically attack them instead of attacking through the monsters. The game allows you to have passive spells that are able to improve your monsters and improve your situation in the game if used at the right time and the right situation.

For the demo, they had 3 separate decks, I chose a very aggressive deck that contained spiders. Also very me. I enjoyed just spawning aggressive spiders and raptors to wreck people. I won the first time and lost the second time. It is a very strategic game, with knowing your spells and your beasts, you can achieve a high level in this game.


So to sum up; addictive, fun, strategic and easy to play.

This game will be released on Steam GreenLight in late Feb 2016

Check out their website for the latest info – Invoker


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