A renowned spymaster and political puppeteer, The Witcher 3‘s Sigismund Dijkstra gained renown as head of the Redanian secret intelligence service. After being cast aside by his king and falling off the grid for some time, Dijkstra re-emerged under the pseudonym Sigi Reuven, this time operating not as a peddler of political intrigue, but as a prominent figure in Novigrad’s criminal underbelly, often keeping company with the city’s scum and almost constantly scheming. Dijkstra’s wealth of information and valuable political connections was seemingly inexhaustible, and often proved invaluable to those with whom he deigned to share these resources.
Dijkstra had known the witcher Geralt of Rivia for some time, their last encounter ending with the latter breaking the spy’s leg. In spite of this, Dijkstra nevertheless harboured a considerable – yet always unspoken – degree of respect for Geralt, and an equally implicit appreciation for the witcher’s remarkable talents and abilities. For these reasons, Dijkstra enlisted the help of the White Wolf when a substantial amount of gold was robbed from the vault beneath his bathhouse.

Who needs political influence when you’ve a face that could dismantle entire governments just by looking at them?
Shortly thereafter – following his involvement in helping a group of mages led by Triss Merigold to flee Novigrad and subsequently avoid persecution and certain death at the hands of Redania’s witch hunters – Dijkstra approached Geralt to ask if he was prepared to be complicit in a recently devised plot to assassinate King Radovid; the insane and ruthless king responsible for systematic genocide being committed against any and all magic peoples in Novigrad. While Dijkstra seldom displayed a sentimental side, even he conceded that the merciless monarch could not be allowed to live.
With the help of Geralt, Temerian guerrilla commander Vernon Roche and his subordinate Ves, fellow intelligence officer Thaler and the sorceress Philipa Eilhart, Dijkstra was able to ensure Radovid’s assassination was a success. However, after the murder, as Thaler and Roche explained to Geralt that they had finalized a treaty with Nilfgaardian emperor Emhyr var Emreis to divide governance of the Northern Kingdoms and restore Temeria’s political autonomy, Dijkstra subsequently revealed that he had sabotaged this plan and intended to take the Radovid’s place on the Redanian throne and unite the North under his dictatorial rule. Knowing they would not only refuse to be complicit in this arrangement but likely oppose it actively, Dijkstra ordered Thaler, Roche and Ves killed on the spot. Geralt stood to defend his allies, and in spite of all his wit and cunning, Dijkstra’s lust for power ultimately brought about his downfall.
– JP